Author: KristyB

A photobank is a great tool for monetizing and selling the photos you already made, but it can also be a motivation to improve your photography skills. Also, photography can be a passive income, eventually in the thousands, and for the most successful, a photo bank also becomes a main income. The advantage is that if you create photos with a wide range of uses, they can generate passive income for you for years. Photography is a very popular hobby across generations. Both boys and girls enjoy photography. It’s just fun for everyone. But when someone has the talent and…

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Are you interested in investing and finance? You don’t have to just read boring textbooks, you can learn a lot by watching films. We’ve selected the best films and documentaries about investing that will give you a real understanding of the main concepts of the financial markets, and you’ll enjoy them too. 1. Million Dollar Traders (2009) Documentary Length: 3 episodes (60 minutes each) A British TV series that follows 12 wannabe traders with no stock trading experience on their journey to becoming fund managers. The aim was to see if inexperienced traders can be taught to be better than…

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CFD or “Contracts for difference” is a contract between a buyer (investor, trader) and a seller (investment platform), which stipulates that the buyer must pay the seller the difference between the current value of the asset and its value at the time of the contract (sale at a broker). CFDs allow traders and investors to profit from price movements (they can bet on downward and upward trends) without owning the underlying assets. The value of a CFD contract does not take into account the value of the underlying asset, but focuses only on the price change between the entry (buy)…

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This article will focus on diversifying your investment portfolio by investing in equities. Of course, it is good to diversify across assets as well, but that is not the main focus of this article. When the market is on the rise, it seems almost impossible to sell a stock for less than the price you bought it for. However, because we can never be sure what the market will do at any given time, we must not forget the importance of a well-diversified portfolio in any market condition. To create an investment strategy that will mitigate potential losses in a…

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Knowing how to valorise your finances is an important skill. In order to value your money, you first need to know where to put it. Check out the basics of financial literacy so you know how to preserve the value of money. Why should people know how to value money? Finances are fleeting. They change their value over time. That’s why people should be aware of ways to protect their money from inflation. The assets that perform best when prices rise are those that will bring in more cash or increase in value as inflation increases. Examples include rental property…

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Not only in times of high inflation, it is important to keep a close eye on household costs so that they do not outgrow your income. Overheads typically make up around 60% of total expenditure, so this is where it is easiest to find areas where savings can be made in the long term. At the end of the article, we will also look at tips on how to manage your family entertainment or household development expenses. What are the household costs and how to save on them? We can traditionally divide costs by the area where we spend them,…

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Are you familiar with the term “rat race”? It is the comparison of many people’s lives to a rodent running in a wheel. You expend endless amounts of energy while standing still. Most often the term is used in the context of wealth and financial situation. How do you know if you’re running a rat race? The rat race is far from being run only by relatively poor people. On the contrary, it can involve even the wealthiest individuals. In fact, people tend to increase their spending as their income increases. Thus, a person earning the minimum or average wage…

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The exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of pooled investment security (usually a stock) that functions similarly to a mutual fund. ETFs typically track an index, sector, commodity or other asset, but unlike mutual funds, ETFs can be bought or sold on an exchange (with a broker) just like a regular stock. What is an ETF? An ETF can be structured to track anything from the price of a single commodity to a large and diverse collection of securities. ETFs can even be structured to track specific investment strategies, but this is not that common. The first ETF was the…

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Passive income is the dream of most people. But few of them know the rules and techniques to ensure a reliable passive income. Do you want to earn money without having to work all the time? Probably a stupid question… You probably wouldn’t be reading these lines otherwise. This article can guide you or at least broaden your understanding of what passive income is and how it works. Because knowing how passive income works and the iron-tight rules associated with it is the first step to creating your own passive income. So let’s do it. 🎓 Definition: The term passive…

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Your maternity leave is coming to an end soon and you are considering what to do next. Go into employment or become an employer yourself? Many moms start a job that is initially just a part-time job while on maternity leave, but eventually becomes something more. Are you hesitant to continue with your business or take the plunge and join the workforce? Or are you just now thinking about what to start a business in? Work on maternity leave Working on maternity leave is very different from working without children. Many moms choose different ways to earn money from home…

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